We have LOTS of fun puppies in class this March! Let the socialization contest begin!! Prizes will be awarded for the puppy in the most unique situation, and for the puppy photographed with the most people.
Sally has already gotten right to work on her socialization project! She rode in a translucent elevator to visit people in the Apple Store, encountered new dogs, sounds and people on the streets of the city, and even went to a dog show!
Dot and her littermate Jester made new friends at martial arts class, a canine playdate, and a visit to Pet Pantry!

Jackson and Uma and Sally are joining in the fun with photos of visits to the beach, the pet store, and exploring the city!

Jackson explored a new house that included a harp, a fireplace, lots of gardening adventures and even a dock and lake!!
Sally met a horse and a policeman. Una rode on a sailboat! Teddy made new friends at the dog beach and at a walk-a-thon event! Boodle met over 40 different people!!